Christmas in Bolivia …

I am writing this on Christmas Day here in Bolivia, but for most of the people here Christmas happens very late on Christmas Eve and very early in the morning on Christmas Day. I need to start off by saying that it is BOILING here … and for me that is a weird thought. It’s like having Christmas in July or August; like a summer Christmas. I have never been a huge fan of the winter but I am truly missing the snow.Image

My host dad and I both made separate turkeys: A “Bolivian” and a “Canadian” turkey. That was a lot of fun, everyone helped and at the end we had two amazing turkeys with all the trimmings!Image

Everyone started showing up at our house around 9pm. We were surrounded by family, which I absolutely loved! Christmas here is similar to Canada in a lot of ways just less commercialized. We started eating around 11 on Christmas Eve night and before we ate everyone said three things they were thankful for from the past year, and at least one thing they want for next year. I said that I was thankful for my family here in Bolivia, my family in Canada, and Rotary, because without Rotary I wouldn’t be in Bolivia now. Then I said that my wish for next year is to understand more Spanish. I really enjoyed hearing what everyone else had to say. Taking time to be thankful was a neat way to share with the family. It was a great tradition. Then we ate on the patio. (Again it felt very different to be outside for Christmas dinner). After eating we went inside and opened presents…at this time I think it was after midnight. The opening of presents here seemed to fly by so fast compared to back home. Back home everyone would watch everyone open each present before handing another present to someone else (or at least that’s what we did in my house). And here it was go ,go, go … which I really enjoyed. My family here in Bolivia treated me so well and gave me some beautiful gifts. I enjoyed giving the gifts I had brought from Canada. After we were done opening presents it was around 1:30ish and that’s when people started to leave. Soon we were giving good night hugs and I was in bed around two in the morning on Christmas Day. It was an evening of food, family and fun.

Christmas Day (today) in Bolivia is very relaxed. Everybody has the day off so my parents were home all day which was nice. I was able to Skype with home which I loved and that is when I found out my parents were letting me get a guitar in Bolivia so that I could be playing while I’m here. It will be a great souvenir for me to bring home. My host dad said he will take me shopping for one soon. I hope all my family and friends in Canada and all the District 5060 Rotary exchangers spending Christmas in their new countries all over the world had a wonderful Christmas. I will blog again soon.



3 thoughts on “Christmas in Bolivia …

  1. So what is the difference between the Canadian turkey & the Bolivian turkey? Different spices/prep?? How did each taste? Which did u prefer? Maybe u need to make the Bolivian one next year for us Canadians! Hee Hee. Just sayin’…

    • hahaha! to be honest , they weren’t that different at all which made me laugh. They make their stuffing differently, and they inject the turkey with some kind of alcohol ahahah, which I didn’t do to mine. But other than that they were pretty much the same. and they both tasted awesome!!! 😀

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